
The repetitive nature of running tends to aggravate subtle asymmetries or imbalances. An old ankle sprain can seem healed, but leave you changed in how you land or weight your foot and leg. This unconscious shift can impact the remainder of your musculoskeletal system and result in recurrent pain in the same joint or other areas. Head and upper body positioning can contribute to headaches, neck and back pain. Pain in one area, whether hip, knee, ankle or foot can change how we move and can lead to a vicious cycle of pain developing in a new and seemingly unrelated area on the other side, or in a different level entirely.

My goal is to return you to your desired running and training routine, free of recurrent pain and injuries. Your unique and individual plan should also help prevent future overtraining or repetitive stress problems.

Read about one runner’s experience in Finn Adharanand’s story here:

PressReader - Runner's World (UK): 2019-06-01 - FURTHER EDUCATION